For Blog Sake – Dhillondeeds

It’s 12 degrees, the sky is blue or black or both… who knows? and the moon is showing off in all its waxing crescent glory… and I am just laying in bed beating myself up thinking what a tool I am for paying for a website domain for 2 years that I don’t even use for blogging any more… I is safe to say my mind is racing…

So, I thought what’s better than keeping all these racing thoughts in… ah ha… why not just write something, anything, maybe an update, maybe just… this?

I have taken some time off social media, ah ha, I said it… with an the occasional peak at Pinterest for those all so important DIY projects! But don’t let that little app fool you. I’ve found myself scrolling through it with no end in sight some days. Social media detox… or whatever… You didn’t ask why but I’m going to tell you anyway, as much as I enjoy sharing my life online and enjoying other people’s version of theirs, and after spending about 3 hours! Yes 3 whole fluffing hours on TIKTOK one night, I just felt a whirlwind of disappointment that I wasted all that time on utter nonsense, I felt annoyance at the fact that I have minus zero self control and just grieving time that I’ve lost and that I can never get back…

And once I went through the 100 stages of a Zila emotional episode, I came to the realization that social media and keeping up with everyone’s online life and keeping everyone else informed on mine, just does not come before living!!!

This is not the first time a moment of sudden and great revelation like this has come to me and sure it’s not the last but it was definitely a great enough epiphany for me to delete Instagram and TIKTOK, almost instantly.

With the exception of two, yes only two people, have even noticed. Which is also a great reminder to appreciate those people who are not just surveillance in your life but are attentive and genuinely interested in you and your well-being. Talk about a small circle hey, it might be small but the love is immeasurable. Just the way I prefer.

So, now I am living, a somewhat adultish life… with all that being said I will be back on the blog, I think, never hold your breathe where I am concerned – from this week and hoping to fill all you beautiful readers in on my new (I say new but I’ve been here for almost 2 years now, thanks Corona but that’s another blog post) life living in The Great Wen (it’s amazing what you find when you type London nicknames into Google)

We’re going with The Great Wen. A wen is a cyst. No need for further explanation, rights? Until my next blog post, enjoy some of these random pictures I managed to take on some of the many adventures I went on when the weather was okayish…

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